IBProvider testimonials from Firebird/InterBase programmers
Once again looking forward to a great relationship — you guys are awesome and I’ve been using your IBProvider for over 10 years now. When every other single Interbase/Firebird ODBC driver failed, IBProvider was the perfect solution for us. We have used IBprovider to successfully integrate Firebird with every type of application, including order and consignment management of over 1 million connotes nationally per year, and it never skips a beat. Well done Dmitry – you’ve got an awesome, mature product that makes working with Firebird a breeze!
… My first test of selecting a few hundred thousand records worked too fast, which initially gave me the impression something was wrong. Upon checking, everything seemed to be fine.

… The previous driver we used for interbase would occasionally throw an access violation. There is no way of catching an access violation, so with this previous driver, if we got unlucky our entire application would crash.
As if the driver crashing our entire program wasn’t bad enough — occasionally it would return nulls for the first column returned. There was no consistency for these errors and it was impossible to tell what the cause was without debugging into it.
Luckily a workmate referred me to IBProvider… Full case description >>
Samuel Davis
Software Developer
Affinity Team
… IBProvider support (I mean it REALLY support) InterBase from the earliest version.

I discovered IBProvider searching google for the best component to use for native InterBase connectivity. I was looking for full InterBase support, smallest footprint and best integration ever. So I was not considering ODBC and I was looking for an OLE-DB/ADO.NET provider.
IBProvider fit the work very well because:
- It’s only one step above InterBase communication library (well not a native .net provider but as mentioned before, ole-db is enough)
- It support (I mean it REALLY support) InterBase from the earliest version
- It’s well designed (and have a good support forum) so you can install & use or distribuite & use.
- The data type converter does all for you in a fashionable way.
Since I’m an enough skilled programmer I was trying to save me some pain in the ass choosing the right provider. IBProvider is far above what I need so I choose to tell my customer about it. This is because if I do a good job I like to be acknowledged for that and the same apply for software solutions that I use.
I’m a consultant and a software developer. I wish to thank you for such a great product. I want to say also that I’m not interested in winning the prize, it’s enough to witness how I like IBProvider. Full case description >>
Alessandro Furlanetto,
… with IBProvider we solved the problem of data lost in the course of transfer to the new Firebird-based information system

In 2010, our company had its 15-year anniversary. The top management decided to purchase a ready-made and polished by years information system that will cover most business areas.
The upload took place. Oh, God! Some imported data was distorted or lost. How were we to find the difference, taking into account that the source data was on MS SQL Server and the target DBMS was Firebird. After the linked server had been created, we discovered that the ODBC driver was unable to cope with quite large amount of data, we are not talking about millions of entries, just several dozens of thousands. The queries directly merging data from the two DBMSs were run disastrously slowly.
We decided to test IBProvider. Wow! The same query was run in several seconds. We couldn’t believe it, it was perfect! We compared the data and corrected the differences. Moreover, we decided to transfer the new information system to new x64 server. We though this provider was not suitable for x64. Nevertheless, we read instructions and tried. And it worked! Full case description >>
Head of information systems development and support department
ZAO TelekomPlus, Perm
Jukka Raisio — i need a Firebird driver with 64 bits Windows 7 support
Short Story of my IBProvider need:
I coded an old delphi project to be a web-server and needed a free database for testing purposes.
It simply just worked with the free IBProvider and Firebird SQL and after 2 years good experience I just dumbing the old BDE and purchaced the 64bit IBProvider because it supports Windows 7, 64 bits and need for more stable behaviour with older windows.
Jukka Raisio
… In our tests, the transaction execution speed for a table of 4,500,000 was only 9 seconds compared to 13 seconds for the same Delphi query

The 3 main reasons for choosing IBProvider were the following:
- The transaction execution speed for a table of 4,500,000 was 13 sec for a Delphi query and 9 sec for a IBProvider query (this was the test to ground the purchase of the product).
- Economical resource consumption — possibility of parallel work with other database filling Delphi programs.
- Crucial for the decision to buy IBprovider was the ability not to interfere with our company’s main product — Volga hardware and software complex.
Igor Horev
Samara horizons.