Publish date: 2022-11-10

We came back with new releases :)

We are glad to announce the completion a large revision of our components and really want to say «Thanks!» to our customers for supporting this project!

LCPI EF Core Provider for OLE DB v6.0.8

Main changes

  • Completion of rules alignment for server and local computing.

For demonstration the work of this provider together with WPF, we created a small application — PhoneModels. You can take part in improvement it features 🙂

IBProvider v5.26

Solved problems

  • Now provider does the explicit initialization and deinitialization of ICU. It allows you to use ICU from Firebird distributive without any problems at all.

Main improvements

  • Lock-free cache with global objects which are using in schemas with metadata.
  • Lock-free creation and destruction of COM objects.

LCPI OLE DB Services v1.21

Main improvements

  • Lock-free creation and destruction of COM objects.
  • We had replaced some “generic” internal structures with more effective ones and it has decreased the size of assemblies almost half!

The nearest plans

We have planned the support of alternative COM-infrastructures. In particular, it means that IBProvider will be able to work in clouds where the work of «pure» COM-objects is impossible or difficult. Most of the work in this direction has already been done.

The priorities of other improvements are depended on the users of IBProvider.


If you know C++ and want to research IBProvider source code, you can look at this repository — IBProvider Client for Firebird [TechDemo].

Any comments and ideas are welcome.

Publish date: 2022-11-10. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.