Release of IBProvider v3.55.1
Change List
1. [BUG FIX] In IBProvider, instead of checking the status of the data source (Data Source), the connection status was checked. This issue affects all previous releases of the provider.
2. [BUG FIX] In the installers, the registration of program identifiers (ProgID) has been fixed. Uninstalling of 32-bit components corrupts registration of 64-bit components. And vice versa. This problem is present in all the previous releases.
3. The binary file with the demo COM objects of the provider (lcpi.ibp_sample_obj_xxxx.dll) is now install in the «PF\LCPI\IBProvider.Common\bin» directory.
4. The installer of «Free IBProvider» now includes binary file with the demo COM objects of the provider (lcpi.ibp_sample_obj_xxxx.dll).
Scheduled Changes
1. Support for the “DROP DATABASE” query will be removed. Instead, use the IDBDataSourceAdmin::DestroyDataSource method of Data Source object. This is a final decision.
2. It is planned to remove the properties «check_cn_status», «ado_exec_sp», «odbc_call_sp», «schema_sp_params».
3. Scheduled to rename the servicing property «prepare_stmt» to «prepared_stmt».
4. We remind you that the delivery of binary files compiled by VS2010 and VS2012 will be stopped. This is a final decision.
5. [2019-02-03] In Data Source object will removed a support of IPersistFile interface.
Other changes
«LCPI OLE DB Services» components have been updated to version 1.7:
- Fixed installer.
- Resources with message tables now have the UTF8 code page.