ADO.NET provider v1.8. Support of FW4.7.2. New DDEX providers for VS2017
.NET Framework 4.7.2 support
Added assemblies for .NET Framework 4.7.2
New DDEX providers for VS2017
Previous releases of the ADO.NET provider contained a DDEX provider for VS2017 and FW4.6.2.
Current release adds the new DDEX providers for FW4.5 and FW4.7.2.
New DDEX providers are also packaged in VSIX installers, making them easy to install.
You can install all DDEX providers for VS2017 simultaneously:

We have updated the document describing the installation of the DDEX provider in VS2017. Added section about uninstalling DDEX provider and notes about possible problems.
Other changes in v1.8
- Added support for new IBProvider property — «schema_ldr_cfg__descriptions»
- Improved internal infrastructure related to metadata schemas
Current plans
There are plans to implement Entity Framework Core support. In our opinion, this is quite a promising direction for development.
If you are interested in this support, you can help us realize these plans in reality — just purchase or renew the IBProvider license for developers.
Everything else we do ourselves 🙂