Release of «LCPI OLE DB Services», updated IBProvider v3.41 and updated ADO.NET provider v1.0.7
We glad to announce release of new services and updates that solve a set of problems related to IBProvider usage.
Release of «LCPI OLE DB Services»
The new set of COM objects with additional services for work with IBProvider is already available for download from customer area.
Currently, we have implemented the connection pool service that is compatible with the standard connection pool (MSDASC.MSDAINITIALIZE.1) and might be used instead of it:
- LCPI.OleDbServices.DataInitManager.Global.1
- LCPI.OleDbServices.DataInitManager.Local.1
- LCPI.OleDbServices.DataInitSelector.1
This connection pool is a COM object (DataInitManager) with implementation of IDataInitialize interface.
As distinct from the standard connection pool, our implementation supports the «Registration Free COM» technology and allows you to use IBProvider without registering in Windows registry.
The objects of these services alone can also be registered in application manifests and used without registering in Windows registry.
The directory «sdk/oledb_services/v01» contains files with CLSIDs definitions. In addition, supported are CLSID_MSDAINITIALIZE and CLSID_PDPO identifiers.
Usage examples for «LCPI OLE DB Services»:
- The use of «Registration Free COM» technology in the main IBProvider test system on C++ — the directory «TestCode/ActiveX/IBP/oledb_test».
- The use of connection pool with ADO.NET provider — 25.
IBProvider update — v3.41
- Critical errors corrected in the 64-bit build of the provider
- VT_R4|VT_BYREF processing error corrected
- The directory «sdk/ibprovider/v03» with IBProvider SDK files formed
- New names of binary files (DLL)
Update of ADO.NET provider for OLE DB — v1.0.7
- Errors corrected
- Builds added for .NET Framework 4.6.2 (VS2017)
- The new class OleDbServices added that allows you to specify the implementation of OLE DB services you use:
- LCPI.OleDbServices.DataInitManager.Global.1
- LCPI.OleDbServices.DataInitManager.Local.1
You can look to example of OleDbServices usage here.
The minimal version of IBProvider, which supported by updated .NET provider, is v3.41.