Publish date: 2015-01-30

IBProvider (3.21.2) and .Net Provider updates

IBProvider turned 15 years old this year.

Changes in IBProvider

  • Improved handling of errors related to inactive transaction commit and rollback.
  • Error fixed: rollback retaining for an inactive transaction will now always be rejected as an erroneous operation.
  • Multiple inner changes improving code quality.
  • Other specific errors fixed.

In the next release:

  • The «cmessages» initialization property will be deleted.

Taking into account the nature of the corrections and changes, we recommend that you update your IBProvider version to the current one.

Changes in .Net Provider (build 2286).

  • On default, NetProvider disables implicit commit of nested transactions. You can change this behavior by means of the new property of the connection string «NetProv: NestedTransRules» (permitted values are listed in OleDbPropertiesValues.NetProvider.NestedTransRules) or by means of the new property OleDbConnectionStringBuilder.NetProvider.NestedTransRules.
  • Fixed error handling for transaction commit and rollback.
  • Other errors fixed.

Support of NuGet packages.

Now you can download release builds of .Net Provider from

Publish date: 2015-01-30. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.