Publish date: 2010-11-11

Do you want to receive the full-featured IBProvider 64/32? Participate in our contest!

The authors of 3 best cases of our drive application will receive ONE YEAR subscription for IBProvider 64/32 bits

This is true! Send your story to receive the driver updates for free within one year. To participate in the contest, write a small story (1 to 2 pages maximum) and describe:

  1. The main reason why you have chosen IBProvider for your project.
  2. What IBProvider feature was the most interesting and useful for you in your project:
    • Support of all versions of Firebird/InterBase servers, easy scalability
    • Support of 64 bit applications
    • Possibility of the driver fine tuning through the mechanism of initialization properties
    • Inbuilt data types converter
    • Emulation of BOOL/GUID types
    • Named savepoints, embedded or distributed transactions
    • ODBC Escape Sequences technology
    • MS SQL LinkedServer technology and updatable rowsets technology
    • Other
  3. Description of the existing system: database server version, industry and area of application, approximate database size, number of connections and other factors.
  4. And the most important – what problems did you save with the driver, what advantages did it give you (time saving, development comfort, money saving, etc.).

You have all chances to win

Though IBProvider is being actively used by thousands of developers around the world, you have a perfect chance to be among the first:

  1. First, most programmers are either very busy or lazy, and the one who acts takes it all.
  2. Secondly, we will not be able to evaluate thousands of real cases, that’s why we decided that only the first 30 cases will participated in the contest, which in addition to the case itself will contain the following information:
    • Position and name of the author’s company.
    • Real picture of the author.

Participation in the contest will not take longer than 1 hour of free time

Admit that 219 Euro for 1 hour of creative work maximum is a worthy gift!
Send your IBProvider case to [email protected]

The contest results will be announced after we have received the first 30 cases or after December 11, 2010, whichever comes first.

Publish date: 2010-11-11. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.