Publish date: 2003-10-18

IBProvider v2.3.2.1233


  • Support of DBTYPE_CY and DBTYPE_DECIMAL is added.
  • Support of stored procedures call-ins from ADO.NET is added. Call-in syntax is:

    «exec SP_NAME ?,?,?,?»

    The property of initialization and rowsets «std_exec_sp» defines the method of obtaining the stored procedure execution results — through rowset or OUT-parameteres.
  • You can declare parameter type as DBTYPE_VARIANT (ADODB — adVariant, ADO.NET — DbType.Object). The provider determines real type itself for such parameters.
  • Some errors in algorithms of conversion and comparison of DBTYPE_NUMERIC are fixed.
  • Some bugs of determination of initialization properties’ flags are fixed:

On the whole eight errors are fixed.

What’s next?

Occasionally there come letters to us with the questions: «will we support new versions of IB/FB?» and «when precisely?»

  • «will we support….». Yes. The uncertainty in the attitude of these two servers completely disappeared at the present moment. It would be strangely if we did answer «no».
  • «when…». As soon as possible. The works on the new version of provider is carried on since April, 2003. At the current moment the sufficiently large volume of works is executed and it makes it possible to believe in the possibility of the successful finish.

Publish date: 2003-10-18. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.