Publish date: 2002-11-21
IBProvider v1.7.11.584 and v1.8.0.584 beta
- Two sets of information schema DBSCHEMA_CATALOGS and DBSCHEMA_SCHEMATA are excluded. Some OLE DB clients inadequately reacted upon it.
- Some small deviation from the OLE DB specification with respect to the properties sets of the Rowset-objects is corrected.
- The specific properties of the collections of numbers are renumbered. These changes are taken from version 1.8.
Documentation will be renovated with release of 1.8
The current version can be used for the export of data from InterBase into Excel XP.
State of version 1.8
The record of changes in the updatable rowset without the explicit participation of the user is completely realized and tested thoroughly.
Some restrictions:
- Automatic mode will be supported only for the simplest queries of form «select * from table», where table is table with the primary key.
- Thus far the basic transaction of data selection is used to update the database. In release version it is planned to grant the possibility to update the data in the separate transaction.
The basic things, which are remaining to be done
- The possibility of the indication of the queries, which should be used to update the rowset. The queries will be set through the specialized properties of rowsets.
- Possibility of definition of rules of the generation of primary keys in the automatic mode of rowsets updates.
- Documentation.
Publish date: 2002-11-21. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.