IBProvider v1.7.1
In version 1.7 we tried to realize that which is brought to the luster only now. From this time on it is possible to honestly say that IBProvider is native components of access, since it ensures support of any data types of InterBase and in this case it is based on pure IB API. Two ago we pursued the much more prosaic objects…
The realization of support of UNICODE mode appeared because of the aid of Antti Nivala and Jose Ramon Rodriguez. Thanks.
- Support of UNICODE mode is completely rewritten. Now the support of UNICODE_FSS is achieved directly by provider. The conversion of code pages NONE, DOSXXX, WINXXX is achieved by means of WIN API.
- The algorithms of read/write of BLOB are completely rewritten. For the conversion of data of BLOB field into UNICODE and back used new mechanism, based on conveyer-line data processing. Furthermore the support of the storage-objects containing UNICODE-text is added. As a whole, the quality of the code, connected with BLOB fields, rose by an order.
- The possibility of using of provider as the linked MSSQL server is restored.
- The documentation, which concerns the properties of the initialization is updated.
Focus your attention
Now, if provider does not support the code page, indicated in «ctype«, then error will occur. If you have to obtain text data as there are, and those not converted in UNICODE, indicate in the line of initialization «unicode_mode=false».
As the testing we put our project, for which primordial IBProvider was created, on the database with «DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UNICODE_FSS». The base grew with 965MB to 1,02GB. But for software (total volume of which comprises more than 30 MB) it was necessary only to indicate «ctype=unicode_fss».