Publish date: 2002-04-22

IBProvider v1.7.0.227. Support of UNICODE

We began new development stage of our OLE DB provider for InterBase and we give to you for the testing new version —

New things

The real support of different character sets of InterBase is realized. The previous mode, when IBProvider does not carry out recoding of string data, is preserved. Use new property of the initialization of the data source (connection string) and rowsets «unicode_mode» to turn on/off the recoding. By default the recoding is on.

  • «unicode_mode=false». In this mode provider does not recode symbol data and it returns them as there is. «Free IBProvider» works precisely under these mode. The DBTYPE_STR type is indicated in the description of columns.
  • «unicode_mode=true». The default mode. DBTYPE_WSTR is indicated as the string type and provider stores and returns data in UNICODE. Data recoding is realized for the usual columns, the arrays and the BLOB-fields.

In both modes the correct conversion between DBTYPE_WSTR and DBTYPE_STR is achieved.

Some constraints

  • WINXXXX, DOSXXX and UNICODE_FSS are supported only.
  • For the conversion into UNICODE and back MultyByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte are used. Therefore if operating system does not support, for example, CP_UTF8(UNICODE_FSS), then error will be returned.
  • In obtaining of text BLOB-field as an object of storage the recoding is not carried out.

Since the work on provider continues, these constraints will be removed in the nearest future.

Publish date: 2002-04-22. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.