Publish date: 2000-09-15

Support of IB6

Changes in information properties of a data source

«gds32 version» — returns the version of a IB client.

«db_dialect» is a property occurs in an accessible set only for gds32 not below IB6. Specifies a current dialect of a database. IB4x and IB5x with inquiry of a dialect return a mistake, which is interpreted as 1 dialect.

«Connection Status» — current status of connection:

DBPROPVAL_CS_INITIALIZED (1) Source is initialized

«Server Name» — name of server, on which the served database is located.


Properties of initialization (connection to a database)

«dialect» — required dialect of connection for the client. This parameter is accessible for IB client version not below 6. But is checked in any case (differently he is transferred through the extended properties). The rules of a correctness of meaning are those:

  • The required dialect is not higher than a dialect of a database. If you have not specified or have specified 0, the dialect of connection will be established equal to a dialect of a database («db_dialect»).
  • Maximum client dialect for IB6 client is 3, and for IB4, IB5 is 1.

The behavior of property «password» is changed. Now you can receive his meaning, if the property «Persist Security Info» is equal true. Otherwise this property will be returned as «*********». The users ADO Express can use «Allow save password».

For the initialization property «user id» has been defined the alias «user», that can be used in connection string.

The property «Prompt» has meaning by default — to not request the password of the user.

Data Source

Besides support of new properties, this component implemented the new interface IPersistFile (read/write of initialization properties from a file). Besides IBProvider registers expansion of files «ibp». Therefore the users of ADO can write the following code:

Dim cn as new ADODB.Connection
cn.Open("file name=d:\database\cur_db.ibp")

For saving the password into file, you should set property «Persist Security Info» to true.

Publish date: 2000-09-15. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.