Publish date: 2008-07-08

New IBProvider v3 Release Candidate 3 is available

  • Support of the integrated Windows authentication (SSPI) for Firebird 2.1.
  • Support of the system auth using environment variables: ISC_USER and ISC_PASSWORD.
  • Feature of enable/disable database triggers for separate connection is available.
  • Support of long names and BOOLEAN type in InterBase 7.x and InterBase 2007 was added.
  • Support of arrays was improved. Access to arrays via IBProvider now becomes more robust in comparison with other Firebird database access components.

Support of the Firebird 2.1 integrated Windows authentication (SSPI)

New initialization property Integrated Security allows using integrated Windows auth for Firebird 2.1. If the property will be set, then IBProvider will be ignoring User ID and Password properties.

Integrated Security can be used with FB 2.1 client version or higher.

The property can be set via connection string or in the Data Link editor.

Support of the system autentification using environment variables: ISC_USER and ISC_PASSWORD

User ID and Password initialization properties are defined as not mandatory. IBProvider will use environment variables ISC_USER and ISC_PASSWORD or integrated Windows authentication for Firebird 2.1.

This feature is also implemented in IBProvider v2.

Enable/Disable database triggers

New initialization property enable_db_triggers allows to enable/disable db triggers for separate connection.

Feature is supported only for Firebird client of any version.


  • Informational property IB Client Level was removed.
  • Retrieve client version bug was fixed.
  • Automatic IBProvider core setup algorithms were improved and now it is used information about client version and client type (gds32 or fbclient.dll).
  • Small fixes were made for 64 bits version. And now it is recommended to update.

Support for long names and BOOLEAN type in InterBase 7.x and InterBase 2007 was added.

  • BOOLEAN type support was added for simple columns and columns with arrays.
  • Full InterBase API support was implemented. Long names can be used now (up to 67 symbols).

Configuration requirements:

  1. InterBase client (gds32.dll) for InterBase 7.x version or higher.
  2. Connection to the InterBase 7.x server version or higher.
  3. Database ODS not less than 11.0.

New InterBase features are available only for 32 bits because IB does not have own 64 bits client.

Array’s support was improved

  • IBProvider creates description for text arrays using connection code page and avoid incorrect db server behavior. This feature now is implemented for any server type and version (InterBase, Firebird, Yaffil), not only for FB 2.1.
  • For better work with arrays from VBScript array_type initialization property was added. It replaces array_vt_type initialization property.

Download IBProvider Professional Edition (64/32 bit)

Publish date: 2008-07-08. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.