Publish date: 2012-05-14

IBProvider 3.10.1. Support for encrypted databases of InterBase XE. Internal changes

Changes in ColumnsRowset

  • [BUG FIX] Provider specifies the precision (DBCOLUMN_PRECISION) for the all numeric datatypes (I1, I2, I4, I8, UI1, UI2, UI4, UI8…). Earlier, was specified the precision for the NUMERIC and DECIMAL datatypes only.
  • Now provider specifies the precision and scale (DBCOLUMN_PRECISION, DBCOLUMN_SCALE) for the DBDATE and DBTIME datatypes.

Support for encrypted databases of InterBase XE (v9, v10)

  • The new initialization property «sys_encrypt_password» for definition of «System Encryption Password» (SEP). It requires the own client of InterBase server (gds32.dll, ibclient64.dll).

Publish date: 2012-05-14. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.