Error corrections
The list of corrections
1. The std::ostrstream (BCB3' STL) class' inadequate behavior was detected during the work with fixed-length buffer. This class writes 0 after last byte. It could result in damage of the stack and to a further crash.
2. Resulting set manage component was remade totally. Now both ADO and test tools from MDAC SDK 2.6 — RowsetViewer, can carry out three kind of rowset navigation:
- consequent one-directional
- consequent bi-directional
- random access with bookmarks
The backward consequent fetching was executing incorrectly before.
3. For one-direction access the reexecution of inquiry is realized. It allows the positioning to the beginning of rowset. In autocommit mode the restart executes in the same transaction.
4. The IRowsetScroll interface is realized. It is the last interface of OLE DB 1.1 for rowset navigation. Therefore all ADO methods concerned a fetching and a positioning have been enabled.
5. Implementation of obtaining the number of rows affected for SQL-queries «insert/update/delete».
6. A lot of small and unpleasant errors is corrected.