Publish date: 2001-05-21
Support of stored procedure
Due to a cooperation with Andrei Semak, in provider the code for operation with stored procedures was realized. For it in provider were realized:
- Out-parameters
- Getting of the descriptions of Out-parameters
- Translation of non-standard inquiries on execution of stored procedures from «exec proc_name» and «execute proc_name» into IB SQL — «execute procedure proc_name»
Feature of implementation of out-parameters is the possibility of it partial enumeration. In case ADO it is possible to define only first out-parameters, for operation through OLE DB can define names of required out-parameters. In the second case provider takes into account existence of quoted identifier of the third dialect IB6. The In-parameters should be defined completely. Before execution of inquiry provider checks up the transmitted information on parameters and returns the detailed descriptions of the found errors.
Publish date: 2001-05-21. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link required.