IBProvider v3 RC4 with enhanced DDEX support and optimized working with named parameters
Improved support of DDEX (Data Designer Extensibility) when working with Firebird and InterBase
IBProvider RC4 has the new option of stored procedures calling in Visual Studio 2008 style via ODBC escape sequences. This innovation allows to create queries and TableAdapters based on stored procedures.
Data Designer Extensibility: an example of accessing: Firebird and InterBase:

Optimized working with named parameters in SQL query text:
- Fewer limitations for multiple use of same named parameter in SQL query text
- New algorithm for choosing named parameter data type.
- Some errors of named parameters procession detected via profound testing by exhaustive method have been eliminated.
Metadata schemes and column descriptions (IColumnsRowset) support user encoding
Metadata schemes and IColumnsRowset interface now consider user charset. This allows working with metadata in set encoding.
What comes next?
We continuously improve IBProvider and present new options for users with each new release. IBProvider Release Candidate 4 is the last RC of the third version.
We are planning complete substitution of IBProvider v2 functionality in the next IBProvider v3 Release:
- ability to work with updatable rowsets;
- support of data recording via Microsoft SQL Server Linked Server;
Currently IBProvider v2 is the only provider that allows to update data in Firebird and InterBase Linked server. Other drivers allow only data reading from source.
IBProvider v3 RC4 is the result of 4-year innovations in data processing. It has implemented a lot of solutions and technologies, which make it completely different from other access components:
- Controllable charsets processor;
- SQL-parser with ODBC Escape Sequences support;
- Support of 19 Firebird and InterBase versions, including Firebird 3.0 and InterBase XE7;
- Automatic configuring for database server;
- Ability to work on 64-bit platforms;
Combination of these two drivers will give our clients another competitive advantage for quick development of quality Firebird and InterBase applications.
Download IBProvider Professional Edition (64/32 bit)